SALUTE Veterans Honor Society
SALUTE is the first national academic honor society established for student veterans, and active military, in 2-year and 4-year institutions of higher education.
SALUTE was formed in 2009 by the Colorado State University Veterans Office thanks to a grant by the American Council of Education and Wal-Mart Foundation. Each chapter symbolizes not only the collective achievement of veterans bettering themselves through the pursuit of knowledge, but also our commitment as a group to honor those among us that are the tip of the spear across the nation.
SALUTE is an acronym of the foundation blocks and core-values of the honor society, and is the basis of our success:
Service: The service member is able to continue their service to this Country with community-campus participation.
Academics: True scholars humbly realize the learning is a continuing process and are keenly aware of the level of dedicated and academics it will take to reach their goals of success. SALUTE supports our members through Scholarships, and we encourage our members to be peer mentors and sponsors at their colleges to incoming military-members.
Leadership: The quality to pull together as one, allows a person to contribute while retaining their uniqueness as individuals and leaders.
Unity: The state of being one; oneness; a thing forming a complex whole; being connected together, networking, for the good of the country and community.
Tribute: Acknowledge of the valuable consideration paid by one to another, in the price of peace, security and protection. SALUTE may help nurture this core value by paying tribute to our fallen brothers and sisters, and through Philanthropy.
Excellence: If you are going to achieve excellence in the big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is a prevailing attitude and lifelong learning.
Eligibility and Requirements
Have an honorable discharge from, or active duty member of, the United States military (Dependants and spouses can hold Honorary Memberships and hold different eligibility requirements; see Learn More section below)
Enrolled at Appalachian State University
Retain a 3.0 or higher GPA for undergraduates and 3.5 GPA or higher for graduate students
Completed at least 12 credit hours for undergraduate; 9 credit hours for graduate students.
Demonstrate SALUTE’s core values: Service, Academics, Leadership, Unity, Tribute, Excellence
One-time payment for lifetime membership
A certificate and military-style challenge coin commemorating your membership in SALUTE and specific level of academic achievement
Compete for the National Scholarship through SALUTE
Campus community engagement, opportunities to network, as well as receive and give assistance for fellow members
Purchase regalia to demonstrate your academic achievements as a veteran at graduation
Engage in local leadership positions and enhance resume for acknowledgement for academics
Spring Recognition: at the local level, an honorary event inducting new members into society
Participate in Regional and Alumni Chapters following graduation
Now over 300 schools and 15,000 members nationwide!
Email for more details or questions.
Learn more:
SALUTE – SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society
Honorary Memberships and Alumni: Information – SALUTE