The North Carolina Governor's Working Group provides support and sponsorship for NC STRIVE (North Carolina Student Transition Resource Initiative for Veterans Education). NC STRIVE represents the collaborative efforts of advocates across multiple disciplines who "strive" to provide support and assistance to service members and their families during the transition out of the military and into higher education. NC STRIVE came to fruition in 2015 with a small conference in Raleigh that focused on providing training and resources for faculty, staff, and administrators from North Carolina's Colleges and Universities. In the years following, NC STRIVE has grown into a regional event, with conferences taking place across the state.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of the regional NC STRIVE conferences were cancelled. However, NC STRIVE leadership knew that student needs weren't going away because of the pandemic. In fact, student veterans need support as much, or more, during this situation than ever before. As such, for the first time ever, NC STRIVE was delivered virtually. Additionally, this year's programming was tailored specifically for student veterans. However, the information provided is still incredibly valuable to college and university faculty, staff, and administrators, as well as loved ones and community advocates who live with, work with, and support student veterans.
The event was provided via live stream across multiple platforms, including Facebook. If you missed it, you can view the replay here: The NC STRIVE website also offers additional information and resources for student veterans and their supporters: Be sure to check out their Resources page and their Handout for students for more information.
From the NC STRIVE website:
NC STRIVE, a consortium of two-year and four-year public and private schools; federal and state agencies; and advocates began offering conferences to administrators, staff, and faculty at institutions of higher education in 2015. The purpose of these conferences was to increase awareness and knowledge about issues affecting Veterans and their families as they made the transition from the military to the academic setting. The intent was to educate those employed in higher education so that they could provide any necessary services and supports or referrals to federal, state, or local resources. In this way, they could assist student Veterans in their successful pursuit of advanced degrees.