Veterans Week Reflections - Mike Kellum

Mike Kellum, CTE & Workforce Development Major

  • Army Reserves: May 1995 - May 2001
  • NC National Guard in 2007- 2014. 

My wife was pregnant when 9/11 happened and I delayed rejoining right away. Already having started my life’s work as a police officer, I joined the NC National Guard in 2007 and deployed to Iraq shortly after. I threw in the towel the second time in 2014.

I learned many things such as leadership and selflessness, but probably the most important thing was perspective. I served in Iraq beside Iraqis. I was able to get a glimpse of the world through their eyes. I lost friends. I experienced combat. I grew as a human being.  It’s that different perspective that make veterans a valuable part of any work group or team.

Mike KellumMike KellumMike KellumMike  Kellum